Tuning foreign body response with tailor-engineered nanoscale surface modifications: fundamentals to clinical applications
Tara Chand Yadav, Akash Bachhuka*
J. Mater. Chem. B 11, 7834-7854
Journal Articles, July 17, 2023
Marsal Group Portal
Tuning foreign body response with tailor-engineered nanoscale surface modifications: fundamentals to clinical applications
Tara Chand Yadav, Akash Bachhuka*
J. Mater. Chem. B 11, 7834-7854
Journal Articles, July 17, 2023
Allogenic Stem Cells Carried by Porous Silicon Scaffolds for Active Bone Regeneration In Vivo
Matthieu Renaud, Philippe Bousquet, Gerard Macias, Gael Y. Rochefort, Jean-Olivier Durand, Lluis F. Marsal, Frédéric Cuisinier, Frédérique Cunin, Pierre-Yves Collart-Dutilleul
Bioengineering 10(7), 852
Journal Articles, July 15, 2023
Investigating the Role of PM6:Y7 Layer Thickness on Optimizing Non-Fullerene Organic Solar Cells Performance Through Impedance Spectroscopy Analysis
Enas Moustafa, Josep Pallarès, Lluis F. Marsal*
IEEE Journal of the Electron Devices Society 11, 642 - 649
Journal Articles, July 13, 2023
Correcting unintended changes in electroluminescence perturbation for reliable light intensity modulated spectroscopies
Agustin O. Alvarez, Antonio Riquelme, Rosinda Fuentes-Pineda, Elena Mas-Marzá, Lluis F. Marsal, Osbel Almora,* Juan Antonio Anta, Francisco Fabregat-Santiago*
Physica Scripta 98(8), 085525
Journal Articles, July 6, 2023
Beyond Protocols: Understanding the Electrical Behavior of Perovskite Solar Cells by Impedance Spectroscopy
Elnaz Ghahremanirad, Osbel Almora,* Sunil Suresh, Amandine A. Drew, Towhid H. Chowdhury, Alexander R. Uhl*
Advanced Energy Matererials 13(30), 2204370
Journal Articles, July 4, 2023
Perylenediimide-based Acceptors for OPV Applications
Conference name: 2023 IEEE Latin American Electron Devices Conference (LAEDC)
Conference location: Puebla, Mexico
Presentation type: Oral
Authors: Magaly Ramírez-Como,* Desiré Molina, Magali Estrada, Luis Reséndiz, Josep Pallarès, Ángela Sastre-Santos,* Lluis F. Marsal*
Conference Presentations, July 3, 2023
Photoluminescence sensor based on NAA for Endoglin detection
Conference name: Universitat Rovira i Virgili's Graduate Students Meeting on Electronics Engineering 2023
Conference location: Tarragona, Spain
Presentation type: Poster
Authors: Josep Maria Cantons Pérez, Akash Bachhuka*, and Lluis F. Marsal*
Conference Presentations, June 29, 2023
Understanding the role of interfacial layers in the photostability of PM6:Y7-based organic solar cells under different degradation conditions
Magaly Ramírez-Como, Enas Moustafa, Mohamed Samir, Alfonsina Abat Amelenan Torimtubun, José G. Sánchez, Josep Pallarès,* Lluis F. Marsal*
Sustainable Energy Fuels 7, 3883-3892
Journal Articles, June 28, 2023
The research group of Prof. Lluis Marsal gathers for a fun coffe and a nice group picture. Additionally, Dr. Tara Chand Yadav joined the staff and was introduced to his new co-workers.
News, June 21, 2023
Karen, Gohar and Josep Maria presented their posters at the CEN2023. Prof. Josep Ferré gave an Oral Presentation and Prof. Lluis Marsal, as member of the steering comittee, did the closing speech of the conference.
News, June 16, 2023