Instability analysis of perovskite solar cells via short-circuit impedance spectroscopy: A case study on NiOx passivation
Authors: Osbel Almora,* Pilar López-Varo,* Renán Escalante, John Mohanraj, Lluis F. Marsal, Selina Olthof, Juan A. Anta*
Marsal Group Portal
Authors: Osbel Almora,* Pilar López-Varo,* Renán Escalante, John Mohanraj, Lluis F. Marsal, Selina Olthof, Juan A. Anta*
Authors: John Mohanraj, Bipasa Samanta, Osbel Almora, Renán Escalante, Lluis F. Marsal, Sandra Jenatsch, Arno Gadola, Beat Ruhstaller, Juan A. Anta, Maytal Caspary Toroker, Selina Olthof*
Authors: Lluis F. Marsal
El programa FI-SDUR té com a objectiu fomentar i consolidar estratègies i polítiques científiques conjuntes entre els departaments i altres unitats estructurals i llur universitat d’adscripció, per desenvolupar activitats de recerca d’impacte internacional que enforteixi la generació de coneixement fronterer i la seva transferència i potenciar la formació del personal investigador contractat en les seves primeres etapes.
Universitats del sistema universitari de Catalunya.
Els departaments i altres unitats estructurals similars del sistema universitari de Catalunya destinataris dels ajuts per contractar personal predoctoral en formació en el marc d’aquesta convocatòria han de complir dos requisits simultàniament:
Per assolir els requisits es té en compte tant el personal funcionari com el personal contractat, en ambdós casos a temps complet. Als efectes d’aquesta convocatòria, s’inclou i es comptabilitza com a PDI permanent a temps complet
Per conèixer els requisits de les persones candidates i de les persones que dirigeixen les tesis de les persones candidates, veure article 4 de les bases reguladores (enllaç més avall).
El nombre d’ajuts assignats a la Universitat Rovira i Virgili és de 9, distribuïdes per departament segons consta a l’article 3 de les bases reguladores (veure enllaç més avall)
DOGC 9195, de 02/07/2024
Ciències de la Salut – Ciències de la Vida – Ciències Experimentals – Enginyeria i Arquitectura – Humanitats
Consulteu aquest enllaç
Authors: Josep Maria Cantons, Laura K. Acosta, Pilar Formentín, J. Ferré-Borrull, Akash Bachhuka, Lluis F. Marsal*
Authors: Tabish Aftab, Josep Ferré i Borrull, Lluis F. Marsal*
Authors: Lluis F. Marsal
In general, students must hold an official Spanish bachelor’s degree or equivalent and a master’s degree or equivalent, with a minimum total of 300 ECTS credits between both degrees.
PhD with talent and motivation to work on experimental projects in nanotechnology and organic solar cells. Strategies include the engineering, fabrication and characterization of different polymer-based organic solar cells. Degree/Master`s degree, or equivalent in biomedical engineering, physics, chemistry or materials science. Enthusiastic, energetic, motivated, social and organized. Knowledge of English and Spanish Matlab and Origin Software skills Experience in manufacturing and characterization of organic solar cells.
Marsal Garví, Luis Francisco (
Organic solar cells (OSCs) have seen a tremendous surge in power conversion efficiency in the last decade. Particularly, those made from bulk heterojunction solution-processed active layers have seen the highest potential for practical applications sucha as indoor applications, Internet of Things, etc. In this respect, polymer and small molecule donors have both received extensive attention and as a result have led to PCE over 19 %. The aim is optimize the current processes, identifying the most critical steps and parameters and to achieve efficiencies over 20%. Also, we want to use new polymers and analyse the effect of metallic nanoparticles to increase of the light absorption or photovoltaic conversion. Finally, the stability and lifetime of the OSC will by investigated under different ambiental conditions.
Contract Duration: 48 months
Full time
17823.93 €
37.5 hours a week
01 October 2024
25 June 2024
Authors: Lluis F. Marsal
In general, students must hold an official Spanish bachelor’s degree or equivalent and a master’s degree or equivalent, with a minimum total of 300 ECTS credits between both degrees.
PhD with talent and motivation to work on experimental projects in nanotechnology and biosensing. Strategies include the engineering/fabrication of different nanoporous structures to improve detection performance, the incorporation of novel capture probes for continuous detection, and their integration with a microfluidic system.Bachelor`s/Master`s Degree, or equivalent in biomedical engineering , physics, chemistry or materials science. Knowledge of English and Spanish Matlab and Origin Software skills Manufacturing – Porous alumina and silicon anodization, and surface functionalization. Characterization techniques such as scanning electron microscopy, photoluminescence spectroscopy, UV-visible spectroscopy and reflectometric interference spectroscopy. Enthusiastic, energetic, motivated, social and organized.
Marsal Garví, Luis Francisco (
Josep Ferre (
The thesis focus on the design, fabrication, and characterization of microfluidic sensor device based on nanoporous anodic structures. The microfluidic porous device will be utilized to detect biomarkers that play a critical role during the initiation and progression of inflammation-generated biological conditions (cancer, atherosclerosis, alzheimer’s, etc). Measurement of biomarkers has always been challenging due to factors such as low concentration (pM), interference from heterophilic antibodies, and an extremely dynamic and transient secretion process. The standard techniques are time-consuming and expensive, so research efforts have focused on developing alternative sensing systems such as integrated nanomaterial-based diagnostic tools and indicators. Nanoporous Anodic Alumina (NAA) provides an excellent platform for developing smart and accurate optical biosensors. NAA can be used as an optically active substrate with real-time and in situ spectroscopic technique such as reflectometric interference spectroscopy.
Contract Duration: 48 months
Full time
17823.93 €
37.5 hours a week
01 October 2024
25 June 2024
Authors: Magaly Ramírez-Como; Angel Sacramento; Liliana Fernanda Hernández-García; Josep Pallarès; Luis Reséndiz; Lluis F. Marsal*
Authors: Agustin O. Alvarez, Marisé García-Batlle, Ferdinand Lédée, Eric Gros-Daillon, Javier Mayén Guillén, Jean-Marie Verilhac, Thibault Lemercier, Julien Zaccaro, Lluis F. Marsal, Osbel Almora, Germà Garcia-Belmonte
Authors: Mohamed Samir, Enas Moustafa, Osbel Almora, Magaly Ramírez-Como, Maria Pilar Montero-Rama, José G. Sánchez, Emilio Palomares, Josep Pallarès, and Lluis F. Marsal*